
2020 Ohio HR Conf Committee

# Committee Name Position Contact Info
1 Kim Roberston, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Conference Chair  2020chair@ohioshrm.org 

Business Leader, Talent Management SSOE Group
1001 Madison Ave
Toledo, OH 43604

2 Meghan Gilroy,  SHRM-SCP
Conference Vice-Chair 


Corporate Director of  Human Resources
NewVista Healthcare

3 Kris Cannon-Jackson, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CTA
Program Chair programs@ohioshrm.org

HR / Employee Engagement / People Connector
Columbus, OH 43205
Lori Lewellen, SCP, SPHR
Arrangements Chair

Karen Hewitt Arrangements Co-Chair co-arrangements@ohioshrm.org

Deputy Director

Kaleidoscope Youth Center

Columbus, OH 43215

Jason Lawson Exhibitor Sponsor Chair


Vice-President, HR

Installed Building Products 

495 S.  High St. Suite 50

Columbus, OH 43215

Gina Kirby, SHRM-CP
Exhibitor Sponsor Co-Chair

Human Resources Manager
Face Forward Aesthetics
1722 W. Lane Ave.
Columbus, OH 43221

Alissa Griffith, SHRM-CP
Exhibitor Sponsor Administrator

450 S. State St. 
Westerville, OH 43081
Open PositionRegistrar

Fred Eck
Mentor- Exhibitors/ Sponsors

President GETDOT Cincinnati

Todd Sabin, SHRM-SCP, SPHR
Mentor- Exhibitors Sponsors

Associate Vice President, 

Human Resources at L Brands 

7 Limited Parkway East

Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

Martine Scheuermann
Mentor- Arrangements

Human Resources, Eastern U.S. at 

CSA Group

Mike Medoro Marketing & Technology  Work: 440-899-2242 
Cell: 216-272-0092 
mgmedoro@aspect-marketing.com or

Aspect Marketing and Communications, Inc. 
P.O. Box 450802 
Cleveland, OH 44145-0617 
Randy Samsel State Council Treasurer treasurer@ohioshrm.org

eSearch Talent Solutions

Amy Goodman State Council Secretary secretary@ohioshrm.org

Sibcy Cline Realtors
Bonnie Thompson
Past Conference Chair


Senior HR & Business Consultant, 

Advanced Resource Solutions Inc.

411 Silvercreek Road

Wadsworth, OH 44281

Julie Doyle, SHRM-SCP, SPHR State Council Director state-director@ohioshrm.org

Senior Consultant
HRC Consulting Services
312 Walnut Street, 16th Floor
Cincinnait, OH 45202-4038

2023 Ohio HR Conference Committee

# Committee Name Position Contact Info

Jason LawsonConference Chair2023chair@ohioshrm.org

Gina Elliott
Conference Vice-Chair

Alissa GriffithExhibitor/Sponsors Chair

Samantha BanksExhibitor/Sponsors Teamco-resource-partners1@ohioshrm.org

Fred Eck
Exhibitor/Sponsors Team

Robert PalmerArrangements Chair

Shari WarmanArrangements Teamco-arrangements1@ohioshrm.org

Martine Scheuermann Arrangements Teamco-arrangements2@ohioshrm.org

Mary CoxStudent Liaison

Chaneal Wilkins Speaker Coordinatorprograms@ohioshrm.org

Kris Cannon-JacksonVolunteersVolunteers@ohioshrm.org

Keri Ensign
Student & Volunteer Coord

Jennifer PayneCertification

Kathy MenditoSocial MediaSOCIALMEDIA@ohioshrm.org

Julie Leithoff Production Managerjulieleithoff@gmail.com

Mike MedoroMarketing & Technology
mgmedoro@aspect-marketing.com or marketing@ohioshrm.org

Meghan Hensely Past Conference Chair

Becky PriceTreasurer

Kelly HollanderSecretarysecretary@ohioshrm.org

Julie Doyle, SHRM-SCP, SPHR
Past State Council Director

Cecilia VockeState Council Director- Elect

Karen FagnilliState Council Directorstate-director@ohioshrm.org